In 1943, Organization Todt, a paramilitary construction unit, sets up a construction site and forced labour camp at the Karya train station. Pictured is the train tunnel in the direction of Thessaloniki and the old station with the Greek railway company’s signalman’s building.
2. Train Platform
In April 1943, approximately 150 Jewish forced labourers from the Thessaloniki ghetto arrive. They are brought to the barracks. After the war, the platform is an additional passing siding is added there.
3. Railroad platform
The single-track Thessaloniki – Athens line passes through Karya. In order for trains coming from opposite directions to be able to pass each other, the track needs to be enlarged.
4. Stone Building
In 1943 this stone building belonging to the Greek railway company is also used by the Wehrmacht and Organization Todt during the construction work. To the left of the track, a train is parked. This passing siding will be extended by several hundred meters, which necessitates the cutting of a notch in the rock.
5. Work Buildings
Organization Todt erects structures to house offices and a kitchen; in front is a sign on which is written: “Organization Todt – Southeast Front – Überland Unit.” Private German and Austrian firms carry out the construction.
7. Holding Track
Jewish forced labourers expand and extend the passing siding (left) in 1943.
9. Accommodation barracks
The Jewish forced labourers are housed in these barracks. The hygienic conditions are disastrous; there’s very little space, and hardly any water